Care Certificate

250 videos, 11 hours and 6 minutes

Course Content

Supporting individuals to minimise pain or discomfort

Video 48 of 250
2 min 57 sec
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Maximising Comfort in Caregiving

Understanding and responding to the comfort needs of individuals with limited mobility and other care requirements.

Identifying and Addressing Discomfort

Techniques for recognising signs of discomfort and appropriate actions to alleviate it, including adjusting positions and using equipment correctly.

Environmental Factors in Comfort

Assessing and managing environmental elements like bedding, lighting, and noise that can impact an individual's comfort.

The Holistic Approach to Well-being

Exploring the various aspects that contribute to a person's overall well-being and how they affect self-esteem and self-worth.

Components of Well-being

  • Spiritual: Meaning and purpose in life
  • Emotional: Self-perception and feelings
  • Cultural: Sense of belonging and identity
  • Religious: Faith and beliefs
  • Social: Relationships and connections
  • Political: Peace and stability
  • Sexual: Intimate relationships
  • Physical: Active lifestyle
  • Mental: Realising potential and contribution

Promoting Individual Well-being

Strategies to support individuals in fulfilling their emotional, spiritual, and social needs, including collaboration with families and other services.

Person-centred Values in Care

Emphasising the importance of individuality, choice, dignity, and respect in caregiving to enhance overall well-being.