Care Certificate

250 videos, 11 hours and 6 minutes

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Introduction to the Fluids and Nutrition Standard

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Ensuring Food Safety in Health and Social Care

Food safety is a critical aspect of health and well-being. Ensuring that food is safe to eat and free from harmful substances is essential in care environments. This involves understanding various types of food hazards and adhering to food safety legislation.

Importance of Safe and Nutritious Food

Providing a diet that is both safe to eat and nutritionally complete is vital for the health and well-being of individuals under care.

Hidden Dangers in Food

Not all harmful substances in food are visible, making it possible for people to become ill from food that appears normal. Understanding these hidden dangers is key to food safety.

Types of Food Hazards

Food hazards can be physical, chemical, allergenic, or bacterial. Each type poses different risks and requires specific precautions.

Physical Hazards

These include harmful objects in food, like bones or packaging fragments. Vigilance during food preparation is essential to avoid these hazards.

Chemical Hazards

Chemicals like pesticides or cleaning products can contaminate food. Ensure thorough washing of produce and careful use of cleaning agents near food.

Allergenic Hazards

Allergens in food can cause severe reactions. It's crucial to handle and store allergenic foods separately and be aware of potential allergens in meals.

Bacterial Hazards

Pathogenic micro-organisms can be present in raw foods or transferred during handling. Adhering to food safety principles reduces this risk.

Food Allergen Legislation

Legislation effective from 13 December 2014 mandates food businesses, including care providers, to provide allergen information for pre-packed and non-prepacked foods, covering 14 specified allergenic substances.

Understanding and implementing food safety practices is essential in health and social care settings to ensure the well-being of those receiving care.